Version 6.4 (released January 14, 2025)
- New: Timers can be set by days.

- New: Metronome for Alarms.

- New: Added a new "Next Alarm" column to the timer list.

- New: Added a new button to insert available Text-To-Speech tags directly from the program.

- New: Added a visibility option for floating windows: "Visible 10 seconds before".
- Improved: Closing the Reminders window will not activate the main application window if it was not active beforehand.
- Improved: Added timer management options in Alarm Actions: Start, Stop, Restart, and Remove timer.

- Improved: Popup menu now appears according to the selected theme.
- Improved: For disabled alarms and timers, floating windows are hidden if the "Visible" field is set to any value other than "Always".
- Improved sorting by "Time" column for timers and stopwatches.
- Improved: Enhanced performance for deleting a large number of alarms at once.
- Improved: Timer and stopwatch floating window buttons only show when the cursor hovers over the window.
- Improved: Added delete button for current stopwatch lap.

- Fixed: The issue causing the program icon to disappear from the system tray has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue when adding "Start Timer" actions.
- Fixed: Copying a birthday or task now also copies music settings.
- Fixed the issue of floating windows shifting after a double click.
- Fixed issue of running timer reset upon editing.
- Some other bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.3 (released February 4, 2022)
- Improved: The transparent kind of the analog clock has been improved. If you lock the size and position of the transparent analog clock, it will become inaccessible for clicking by the mouse.

- Improved: The timer icon has been adjusted.

- Improved: Now the print dialog appears immediately when printing tables.
- Improved: The Scheduled Time Synchronization via the Internet is available if you run the program as an administrator or if User Account Control (UAC) is disabled.
- Improved: The Italian interface language has been corrected.
- New: The Indonesian interface language has been added.
- Fixed: The list of days for the weekly alarm was displayed incorrectly for Asian languages.
- Fixed: If no trailing slash was specified in the path to the database, then the backup did not work.
- Lots of other fixes and improvements.
Version 6.2 (released May 26, 2021)
- Improved: The ability to type words like "today" and "tomorrow" in the "Start date" field on the Alarm dialog has been returned. Full list of supported words: today, tomorrow, yesterday, bom, eom, Monday...Sunday, first, second...seventh.
- Improved: The ability to click on hyperlinks in the table in the reminders window has been added.
- Changed: The behavior of the Enabled checkbox for alarms and timers has been changed. Now the checkbox is always set when editing an alarm or timer, but you can uncheck it and click OK.
- Fixed: The list of icons was cleared after editing it.
- Fixed: The colors of the tooltips in the Ribbon have been corrected for dark designs.
- Fixed: A check has been added for the ability to create temporary files.
- Some other bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.1 (released March 30, 2021)
- Improved: The display of "Due in" information has been added to the reminders window.
- Fixed: The online timer website did not open correctly when using emoji.
- Fixed issue with the "Native style of windows" setting.
- Fixed import error from free versions when you first start the program.
- Fixed issue with using the OpenSSL library when sending emails.
Version 6.0 (released March 16, 2021)
- Improved: The design of the application has been updated. The application icons have been changed.

- New appearance themes have been added: Office 2016 themes, Visual Studio 2013 themes, Basic, TheBezier. 15 outdated themes have been removed: Black, Blue, MoneyTwins, Sharp, Metropolis, MetropolisDark, VS2010, Office2007Black, Office2007Green, Office2007Pink, Office2007Silver, Office2010Black, Office2010Silver, Office2013LightGray, Office2013DarkGray.
- New: Undo and Redo buttons have been added.
- New "Open Online Alarm Clock", "Open Online Timer" and "Open Online Stopwatch" buttons have been added.
- A new "Database path" setting has been added. You can use a Cloud drive or other Shared drive to store Hot Alarm Clock data. In this case, you can use the same data on multiple computers at the same time. 詳細情報
- New: You can turn off the Navigation Pane so that the groups appear as buttons at the bottom. 詳細情報
- New: With this release, you can customize the Ribbon in the same manner as you do in Microsoft Office. The Ribbon now provides two new customization forms: The Ribbon Customization dialog and the Quick Access Toolbar Customization dialog.
- Improved: The design of the reminders window has been improved. If several reminders are shown, then for each of them there are buttons for Snooze, Delete, etc.

- New Advanced settings section has been added to the Settings window:
- Colorize the entire line in the list;
- Native style of windows;
- Show missed notifications at program start;
- Allow floating windows to move outside the working area of the desktop.
- Improved: Floating windows have been improved.
- The default font for numbers is "a_Digits".
- When the timer is stopped, numbers are displayed in muted gray.
- Decimals can be displayed in the layout. For example, 11 hours 30 minutes is displayed as 11.5 hours. Use only one character: "y", "M", "d", "h", "m", or "s".
- New options have been added:
- Visible: Always, Only when active, 30 seconds before the event;
- Change background color: Never, On zero, 30 seconds before the event, 1 minute before ... and the color picker;
- Lock size and position.
- Now you can delete a timer or alarm clock through the context menu of the floating window.
- A new "Set as default" button has been added to the Countdown tab as it is in the Actions and Sound tabs.
- New tags for the Text to Speech mode:
- <day> - current day as a full name (Sunday-Saturday);
- <timeleft> - how much time is left before the event.
- Now you can hide the Snooze button in the reminders window. To do this, uncheck the "Snooze" checkbox in the Settings window.
- New: The font size in the lists depends on the system font size. See also: How to change the size of text in Windows 10
- A new "Follow up" column with "Today", "Tomorrow" and "This week" values has been added to the task list, and grouping by it has been enabled by default. You can also filter the task list by this column.

- New types of dial labels have been added for analog clocks: "Date" и "Date + Day".
- New: For a one-time alarm, the "Run as stopwatch (increase)" item has been added in the "Once the alarm has been used" section so that you can set the count-up timer from the past date.
- A new "Stop and reset" option has been added for timers.
- Improved: You can now set the default item in the "Once the alarm has been used or has expired" section for alarms and the "On zero" section for timers.
- New sounds have been added, some sounds have been renamed.
- Improved: Translation of sounds into other languages has been added.

- Improved: Now, after a successful start of the program, backup data files are created and they are used if a read error occurred on the next start.
- Improved: The collapsed or expanded status of groups is persistent across restarts/reboot of the program and when switching between categories like Alarms, Timers, etc.
- Improved: The work of the program on High DPI screens has been improved and fixed.
- Improved: The OK/Close button in the reminders window is focused by default, but the reminders window itself does not become active when it appears to avoid accidentally closing it. 詳細情報
- Improved: The hint of the tray icon displays a list of clocks from the "Clock" section.
- Improved: If for some reason the sound could not play, the system beep starts playing.
- Improved: If the radio station cannot play, the default sound plays.
- New actions "Press keys" and "Pause" have been added. 詳細情報
- Improved: The recognition of available audio devices has been greatly improved. Now you can choose the default sound device and it won't reset when you disconnect and reconnect it.
- Improved: Now you can also use the "Close after N sec." setting for the reminders window.
- New: Import from ICS files has been added. Files with this extension are now automatically opened as new alarms.
- Improved: When editing a timer, you can set any values for minutes and seconds. They will automatically be converted to hours and minutes.
- Improved: The behavior of the "Date" field for a one-time alarm has been changed:
- If the date is not set or it was set for today, tomorrow, or for the past date, then the alarm will go off today or tomorrow, depending on the alarm time.
- If the date is set for the day after tomorrow or later, the specified date is used for the alarm.
- Improved: The function of printing lists has been improved.
- Improved: In Windows 7 and above, when playing the sound of the alarm, all sounds are muted and music playback is paused, if the sound device is set to default, and the "Turn on the volume" option is checked.
- Improved: The display of milliseconds in the stopwatch has been improved.
- Improved: The number of years for a birthday is displayed as a decimal number.
- Improved: All dates in the calendar are now shown for an alarm with a list of dates.
- Improved: The "Add" button has been added to the Info Window.
- Improved: An additional check has been added that prohibits the launch of multiple instances of the program.
- Improved: Now more detailed information is written to the log files if you launch the program with the /DEBUG parameter. 詳細情報
- Improved user interface translation in some languages (especially Asian languages).
- Improved: The data controller now allows users to build filter conditions with the Contains, NotContains, BeginsWith, and EndsWith comparison operators.
- Improved: The OpenSSL libraries are included in the installer. They are used when you add the Send Email action.
- Changed: The drawing of a segment for a round timer has been fixed if the countdown time is more than one day.
- Changed: If the timer value was changed when editing the timer, then the timer will start with the new time after saving.
- Changed: The sound of the metronome has been changed. You can change the sound of the metronome by changing the Metronome.wav file.
- Changed: Data files now have a .DAT extension.
- Changed: Now it is not allowed to run two instances of the program from different folders.
- Changed: The "Always on Top" option for the main window has been removed. This option still working for the Info panel and floating windows.
- Changed: The "Internet Time" menu item has been moved to the File menu. This feature is deprecated because this option is already built into Windows 10.
- Changed: The Scheduled Time Synchronization via the Internet is not available if User Account Control (UAC) is enabled.
- Fixed: When switching to wintertime and moving the clock back one hour, alerts were triggered again.
- Fixed a bug with resetting the position of floating windows when working with multiple screens.
- Fixed: An issue with incorrect handling of specific formats of the system date and time has been fixed.
- Fixed: The appearance of the analog clock for the Blueprint and Whiteprint themes has been changed.
- Fixed: If you had an alarm set up for multiple reminders, but selected "Remove this alarm after it expires", the alarm disappeared after the first reminder.
- Fixed: The error of displaying stopwatch digits when reaching large values has been fixed.
- Fixed: The issue with synchronizing time via the Internet, when the difference is more than a month, has been fixed.
- Fixed: The export and import of timers has been fixed.
- Fixed: The digital clock cut out the wrong digits when abbreviating the year. yyyy produced 2017, but yy produced 20, instead of 17.
- Fixed: The issue of blinking of the main window when switching programs using the Win+Tab hotkey has been fixed.
- Fixed: The Info Window is now always on top of other windows if the "Always on Top" option is enabled.
- Lots of other fixes and improvements.